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Create the Model not tied to the existing market and the self-standing Regional Economy
Now I think we are at the entrance of the IT revolution, which is the great change since the Industrial Revolution.
Perhaps, when considering business directions and areas that have changed so far in the future, and considering the direction to proceed, if we are focusing only on the existing market, it will decrease with the shrinking market.
We, with the developed technology, skills, and knowledge, above all the strong spirit of challenging everything new in any time , do create the NEW BUSINESS including oversea business without sticking to the older business and activity area.
We do think Japanese technology, skills, know-how, and knowledge will be more useful for the people all over the world not only in the area of industrial product but also in the area of construction and service.
I hope that working in a challenging, rewarding, and proud way will help secure a stable employment and help create an independent regional economy that is not easily influenced by the economy trends (in Japan and overseas).
I may not be able to do it alone by myself, but my staff and I will continue making effort in order to work happily with our locals people and people from around the world who can relate to each other.
Thank you.
President Director 
Mitsuhiro Okamura
Sanyo Kensetsu service
[the head office] 〒 745-0809
Kume, Shunan-shi, Yamaguchi center 1-1-5
TEL: 0834-25-2514
FAX: 0834-25-2544

[Hofu Office] 〒 747-0834
Tajima, Oaza, Hofu-shi, Yamaguchi character Kamiji 734-5
TEL: 0835-24-5888
FAX: 0835-24-5892

[Ube Office] 〒 755-0023
3-8-8, Ondacho, Ube-shi, Yamaguchi
TEL: 0836-33-2302
FAX: 0836-33-2343

[light office] 〒 743-0063
4-8-13, Shimata, Hikari-shi, Yamaguchi
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